Stock Screeners
"Screening" or selecting stocks based on certain metrics is an essential process in portfolio creation. It will help you
-discover new stocks - have a more objectif approach to the decision making process - save time. ​
Here are some free screeners available:
Finviz is one of the most widely used screeners as it provides a wide range of filters along with news related to the stocks you are looking for. It is often used by professional traders as the screening process is quick and user-friendly.
For $24.96/month you will have access to backtesting and portfolio creation tools.
Barchart provides a free stock and option screener. It also covers the futures market with a good overview on commodities.
Trading View is commonly used for trading ideas and its elaborate graphs. It is the most user friendly stock screener which includes crypto and forex
Zacks stands out by having its own research and rankings which they include in their stock screening filters.